Yun-Jieh’s Interview 2019/06/28

2 min readMar 18, 2021


The story goes back to the 2018 summertime. Yun-Jieh was an accountant in the hospital for 17 years. She was invited by a famous doctor to join his clinical business and thought it’s maybe a great idea, then quit the hospital.
Later on, they keep arguing on some specific details on tracking the spending and so many other trifles.
It figures that she only stayed there for 6 months.
While she stayed at home within 2 months and heard a selling Vietnamese restaurant from an old friend, the original restaurant’s owners only let Yun-Jieh consider buying it or not within 3 days. Otherwise, they would like to sell it online for not being used as a vegetarian restaurant.
Yun-Jieh is a vegetarian since her childhood along with her parents. And her parents are just in their early retirement state and promise her to support running the store if she made this more challenging decision.

And YES, they did and found this Menza alike vegetarian restaurant almost a year when I interviewed her.
Why I described it’s Menza alike?
She learned the menu and recipe from one of her cousins that already served the Uni Students with Lacto-Ovo vegetarian meals for a decade. And the cost-performance value is pretty high if you are just a student.
Fortunately, there are elementary and junior high schools nearby. The whole community seems to like their restaurant pretty much. They began so busily and met a lot of inspiring personal stories from the customers.

One of her customers is a junior high student; he decides to become a vegetarian after watch and read the media about the suffering animals. His family acknowledges his decision and lets him deal with his own meals outside but only gives him the same pocket money to buy dessert. Before Yun-Jieh’s Menza exists, he can merely find the proper meals as a growing teenager. However, he still saves the money to buy his own vegetarian food instead of the peers’ candy or cookies. Right now, he has Yun Jieh’s Menza to support him to have enough nutrition diet within his budget. Stories like this support Yun Jieh’s mind continuing her business even though running a restaurant is not easy.

I hope they keep helping those people who are willing to be a vegetarian. And I hope Yun-Jieh and her family could take care of themselves consciously. Everything’s gonna be alright!

Thanks for your attention today. I hope to see you soon, and if you are willing to share your story of becoming a vegetarian, please contact me the email:
so that I can reach you and share your beautiful stories with this world!




#Tech news, #Language, #Education, #Greens, Sociology, #DataScience, #Health, Medical, #Marketing, #IoT -en, -zh, -de. I'm a #vegan. X NTUST M.ISM, Taiwan.